WOOD SHED: The small garden shed near the house has now been deemed 'The Wood Shed'.
1. It make sense to have the shortest distance possible to travel when you're ducking out to get some wood in the cold and wet of winter.
2. There is space immediately in front of it to chop rounds into smaller pieces.
3. The shed heats up quickly even in weak sunlight - drying out the wood inside. (Am considering building a greenhouse on the north side to further maximise this attribute)
KIWI VINE: Instead of building a free standing trellis for this new plant, I've planted them at the corners of the washing line. The plan is to train it up, past the lines, to the top part of the frame where the metal is thicker. The washing line is a great shape for a trellis, will be strong enough to support the vine, and the vine itself will provide shade to the clothes underneath in the hot summer months.
GRAPEVINE: We've had an ongoing problem with debris flying into the carport from the chook pen (and feathers from moulting geese too). The area gets messy, and then traipsed through the house. Needing to blow vac it every week to manage it. In addition the place looks so bare and dry in summer - I really want a green fence/border to cool the area down.
Solution: Grow 2 grapevines along the fence (it's north facing and high enough). These will prevent a lot of the debris flying in for much of the year. The beds they are planted in (about 60cm wide) can hold low crops simultaneously and other crops in winter (climbing beans. snow peas etc) so it will always look good, be productive and serve it's purpose!
All of these solutions have multiple uses - brilliant!