We like the idea of Thanksgiving. I have an email pal in the US who writes to us each year of the wonderful preparations leading up to this festival, and the fun things her family do. Looking on the internet I've found lots of suggestions for kids too - like a turkey with each feather having something on it you're thankful for.
While we didn't want to take on the American version (our history being slightly..ahem..different!) we did feel the concept is a lovely one. Reflecting on things you are grateful for is something we all should do.
So we have made a 'Gratitude Tree' - and decorated it with our blessings. I must admit I got teary when younger munchkin, when asked what made him happy, replied 'Mum makes me happy!'. Any mum out there would understand how I felt at that moment. :)
It was interesting to see the things the kids mentioned. Other than Mum and Dad, the rats got an honourable mention, as did homemade biscuits!
Even the last minute decision to have christmas at our house has been counted as a blessing - nothing like visitors to motivate you to spruce the place up. The hallway (after 5 years ....) has now been painted! Pictures are up, the decking has been oiled, bricks raised, garden beds mulched and the dog washed!
Not sure Zac the dog would have included that on his gratitude leaf!
Sounds like you've been busy people! I hope you and yours have a magical Christmas & a super, safe & joyous New Year.
Thanks Molly and to you and yours also!
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