Firstly we bought 6 new chicks (since 60% of our flock was lost in the last month or so).
Then today we brought home a very special little bundle. Her name is Bindi.

She is a Dobermann Pinscher and 10 weeks old and utterly adorable. We've learnt a thing or two over the years with dogs and breeders, and were really impressed with her family. We met the mother, grandmother and half sister and all of them had the most wonderful temperaments and very obviously genuinely loved by their owner.
We are very pleased - all of us! The boys are thrilled to bits and dying to play with her, though it will have to wait until she's settled in a little. She is curious, confident and very gentle - what better mix could there be.
No doubt more photos will follow as she grows.
There's nothing like animals about to make a house a home. :)
Verrrrrry cute!
Yup!!! You'll have to meet her soon. She's clever too and looks like she'll be easy to train.
I cant see the photo yet - over limit (thanks Andrew) on internet so we have been shaped and hence photos arent loading etc. Back to full strength on Tuesday apparently.
Did you get her from where we got Akira?
No - we got her here in the Hills from Dobe Creek. I did try to get in contact with them , but this lady come through first and we were so thrilled with how she kept them we went with her. Akira was the inspiration for Doberman though.:)
Probably just as well. Akira was a lovely dog, but she was stupid as : )
Oh so hope we get updates on this little cutie as she grows.
Ohhhh I love Dobermans! Always wanted one as a teen but Mom had a Dachshund instead :(
Can't wait to meet her!
Hi There,
I stumbled on your blog via The Crone and wanted to say hello and what a cute puppy, I am with my 6th dobe as I type.
Blessed Be
Bindi is way cute! We had a dog who was half doberman when I was a kid and she was very gentle, but very protective of the family. She also dug holes in Dad'd paddocks, when she searching out field mice LOL! I think the key thing is to train them well and love them. xx
Hi Louise! Your 6th Dobe! That's a good rap for them! We are enjoying her, she's loving and clever - but I have to say It's not the easiest thing having a Dobe pup - whos teething and rough, in a household with 2 little boys who love to rouse her up then scream as she mauls them with those sharp little teeth.
As I type younger munchkin has come in to 'bring her to the study - out of his room' and she has chewed at him sending him off in tears for about the 300th time today. Sheeesh!
Lovely to meet you Louise, I'll go check out your blog next !
Naturewitch - yes I suspect digging is one of their traits - she's been 'helping' us in the garden!
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